Friday, February 15, 2013

We are officially "matched"!!!

I know its been a long time since I last wrote but that was because honestly, there wasn't much to write about on my adoption journey.  Adoption can take a really long time. There are so many legalities to take care of so we have been doing that and just waiting for "the call".

Well...we got a phone call from our agency case worker on Tuesday that we had been chosen by 2 birth moms in 1 day! Woah! One was for a baby boy and one for a baby girl that were both going to be born NEXT MONTH! After looking over all the information and paperwork, we decided to move forward with the baby girl! So our agency set up a phone call between us and our birth mom yesterday and it couldn't have gone any better! I was super nervous and so was she! We talked for about 40 minutes and we both just shared our stories and shared our hearts.  She said we were "un milagro" (a miracle) to her and she is so glad she found us.  She said that we are everything and more she wanted for her unborn baby. I told her that we feel the exact same way about her...that she is OUR miracle and we are soooo thankful for her act of love and unselfishness.  T asked if he could pray for her and she said yes, so we prayed and she began to cry.  She said that she is so relieved to know that her unborn baby will be so loved.

So now we are officially "matched".  Our baby girl will be here before we know it.  She is due on March 26th in Tennessee.  So we will be flying there around the time of the birth and flying home with our daughter!!!  She is healthy and is growing according to schedule.  We are BEYOND happy and excited!  I will actually be a mom this Mother's Day!! Wow! I'm still in shock! If you know me well, you know I am an emotional person and I can cry watching a commercial LOL but seriously, I'm so excited and overwhelmed with JOY that I haven't even cried! God has worked this whole thing out. The puzzle pieces are coming together and its so amazing.  We signed up with our agency on Valentines Day one year ago and literally to the day, this Valentine's Day we were matched and got to talk to our birth mom! Coincidence?? No...God directing our path?? YES!


  1. So happy for u!!! Best news this year!!

  2. I am so happy for all you. You and T., the baby, and the birth Mom who will rest easy knowing the child she can not raise will be raised with a Godly family. Our God is wonderful and He certainly has blessed you.

  3. I am so excited for you. Praying for your new baby girl, healthy birth, and safe travels.
